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Extract Image From Swf File

Get all image data stored in your PDF file

Fortop SWF Resources Extractor is an easy-to-use software which can extract images and sounds from any Adobe Flash SWF/EXE file which not only exists in local machine but also comes from IE and IE-based browsers cache directory. The software allows to extract image resources to JPEG or PNG formats, and sound resources to MP3 or WAV audio files. Opensource flash SWF decompiler and editor. Extract resources, convert SWF to FLA, edit ActionScript, replace images, sounds, texts or fonts. Various output formats available. Works with Java on Windows, Linux or MacOS. Application description and features. For information about using the software, list of features, etc., visit FFDec Wiki.

How to extract images from PDF

To extract images from PDF, first upload the needed document to PDF Candy: hit the “Add file” button to select the file on your device or drag and drop the PDF into the browser's window. Right after the loading process of the file is complete, the images extraction process starts automatically. Press the “Download file” button to save the results.


With the help of this tool by PDF Candy you can extract all images from PDF file on any device of any OS (Windows, Mac, iOS or Android). The PDF documents can be uploaded from Google Drive or Dropbox account as well as from the devices.

Extract images free

Now you can extract images from PDF at absolutely no charge! You will not be requested to pay for the services of PDF Candy or obliged to sign up for a subscription to enjoy the benefits of this free online PDF processing service.

More tools:

Version 2.4
For Windows Vista/XP/2000

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Extract Img File

What is SWF Extractor?

SWF Extractor lets you extract all the Images and Sounds resources from any Adobe Flash™ movie file also known as SWF file (.swf file extension). Image resources are extracted as JPEG or PNG Image files. Sound resources are extracted as MP3 or WAV audio files. Both image and sound extracted resources are restored exactly 'as is' without any compression.

The 'Detailed List' view mode

Seamless Windows Integration

SWF Extractor includes tight integration in Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer. Drag and drop to or from Explorer, or directly launch SWF Extractor from Explorer.

Quickly access commands with the main Toolbar

Extract Images From Swf File

Extract Image From Swf File

Extract Swf From Pdf

Flash Versions 4 to 9 support

Extract Image From Swf Files

SWF Extractor fully supports Adobe Flash™ 4 and higher files. Sap gui 7.40 for mac download. Free call of duty black ops mac. You can extract any type of resources that can be stored into a Adobe Flash™ movie including MP3, ADPCM and WAVE sounds, JPEG, JPEG Alpha, RAW and RAW Alpha images.

Extract Image From Swf File
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